Morris Michtom and the Inception of Teddy Bears

Morris MichtomNobody goes through childhood without getting fascinated with plush toys. We've all played, slept, even kept a few secrets with them at one point or another.

Teddy bears, in particular, have remained an all-time favourite among many kids because of their comforting, cuddly and non-scary appearance.

No wonder they make a very popular gift idea for children and toy collectors.

But did you know that the history of teddy bears wouldn't exist if not for the creative genius of Morris Michtom?

The Birth of Teddy Bears

It is well known that the teddy bear has been named after Theodore "T.R." Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States.

But unknown to many, it was Russian Jewish immigrant Morris Michtom who invented the iconic teddy bear with the help of his wife, Rose.

The Michtoms owned a small novelty shop in Brooklyn, New York. At night, they made plush toys which they sold in their store to augment their income.

Theodore Roosevelt and a Bear CubWhen the Washington Post published an editorial caricature  in 1902 which depicted Theodore Roosevelt's refusal to shoot a defenceless bear during a hunting trip in Mississippi, Morris Michtom told his wife to sew a replica of the bear featured on the newspaper's comic strip.

Morris Michtom labelled the finished product "Teddy's bear" and displayed the toy in their shop window.

The Michtoms were surprised at how well-received their creation was.

As more and more customers began expressing their desire to purchase the stuffed animal, Morris and Rose decided to mail the original teddy bear to the White House as a gift to Roosevelt's children.

The Michtoms officially asked the president if they could use his name for the future teddy bears they intended to make.

In the end, Roosevelt told the Michtom's that they could go ahead and use his name for their stuffed toys.

Morris and Rose Michtom continued sewing and selling teddy bears.

At exactly the same time around the other side of the world the Steiff Bear was invented.

The company still produces teddy bears to this day and some are extremely rare and valuable.

The huggable toys became so popular that they were used by Roosevelt and the Republican Party as an election symbol in 1904.

In 1907, the Michtoms founded the Ideal Novelty and Toy Company which later became the largest doll making company in the United States.

Choosing Toys for Children

Toys make a practical gift idea for kids whatever the occasion. However,  picking out kids toys is more than just assessing their durability and sticking to your budget.

After all, you don't give kids toys just for the sake of gift-giving.

You give your children, nieces, nephews or grandchildren toys because you want to enhance their creativity, educate them, reward them, support their interests or simply, amuse them.

Michtom Teddy BearWhen selecting children's toys, one of the most important factors to consider is age group.

Infants and toddlers are usually drawn to colourful toys that they can pull, squeeze, snuggle with, bite, hear and smell.

Pre-school children are more captivated by toys they can play dress-up and pretend to be their best buddies.

Older children, on the other hand, fancy realistic toys such as carpentry sets, construction kits or jewellery making.

In addition to determining age group, you must pay attention to how safe the toys are for a child. Are they lead free or fire safe? Art materials like crayons must be non-toxic.

If you are buying teething toys, make sure they are big enough not to be swallowed as well as free of BPA, Phthalate, PVC and lead.

Carefully read hazard warnings on toy packages and stay away from toys that are not appropriate for certain age groups no matter how interesting they look.
If you are looking for soft toys for young children, rest assured you have enough plush toys to choose from online or in-store.

Stuffed animals have gone a long way since Morris Michtom and his wife thought of the idea of sewing teddy bears in 1903.

Today, you'll find stuffed toys in different colours, sizes and shapes.

Kids adore them because they are delightfully pretty.

Some children find comfort and security just by hugging beanie bears while other kids get a sense of fulfilment just by collecting different patterns of stuffed toys.

In fact, a recent study shows that a teddy bear can have significant impact to a child's development because it can ease away any kind of stress and inspire confidence.

So the next time you think of buying a birthday present for a child keep cuddly toys on your list and perhaps a thought for Morris Michtom 

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